Friday, 12 June 2015


Sometimes I just look at the way life is and get amused, the sweetness
of it is that it isn't fair and will never be as I have been always

In this world, we have very many different species of animals. And
each specie has a gestation period that vary from the other species.
For example elephants, their gestation period is around 624 days.
Ducks have a gestation period of around 28 days. Deer carry their
pregnancies for around (197-300) days. Human being's gestation period
is approximately 36 weeks.

Now just imagine an elephant trying to compete with a duck on who will
have their offsprings the first one. That will be impossible because
the period of a duck is not even 50% of elephant's time. Or human
being trying to be at per with duck.

Many are times we admire those people who live very wealthy lives in
our society, not knowing that they too went through tough seasons
before getting there. There is no one who has a great life, who hasn't
experienced fire.

You might be asking yourself when is your breakthrough going to come?
And begin to compare yourself with other colleagues. That is what will
deprive happiness from you and start pressuring your 'I have to be
ABC..... by a certain time frame'.

Comparison can bring enmity between friends or even relatives. People
who always comparing themselves to others will start to feel other
people are responsible for their failure which it's not true. Before
you know, conflicts have erupted between friends or family members.

Everyone must know he/she was created differently and with different
purpose. So you should compete with yourself and not with other
people. I like the system that was introduced in Kenya education
system just the other day. Competition in national exams was scraped
off, thats means that the students will now compete with themselves
and unleash their full potential without looking at other students'

You might be there asking yourself when will your time to prosper
come, and when you look at friends, they are blessed. Just know the
time of your prosperity is around the corner and if you don't give up,
you will accomplish your dreams.


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