Friday, 28 June 2013

How Cerebral Palsy Has Affected My Education

Cerebral Palsy is a condition that affects the brain before, during, or after birth. This condition is caused by lack of oxygen in the brain thus leads to the spasticity and ataxicity of the muscles.

The type of CP I have is known as Spastic. Spastic means lack of stability of the muscles, thus makes someone to do something at a slower pace. Things like writing, eating, playing etc.

At many times people with this condition, get astound when something unusual happens; like a bang. This leads to shuddering for few minutes then they get composed.

Due to the spasticity, they cannot do work that require the use of the upper limbs. For example, I want to connect some appliances at home like DVD player, computer etc. I know the appropriate procedure, but I cannot do it myself I have to call someone to fixed it for me. When I am alone, I try my best to fix what I am able to do.

Sometimes I feel so bad when someone asks me to do something for them, but they immediately change their mind and ask someone else. They insinuate that I cannot do effectively yet I am able to do.
I always say am not disabled, am differently abled. Disabled means not able to do anything; but that is wrong because am able to; type, preach, play, socialize etcetera. Furthermore, Bible says, “God is able.  The same Bible articulates “we are made in the image of God.” To me the word disabled contradicts the bible.

In my life, I have met people who despise themselves because they are different from others. That is wrong since if you do not respect yourself first, no one will respect you. Because your interpersonal relationship is determined by your intrapersonal relationship.

The reason why I use computer for typing, is that I cannot write by hand. This is a major challenge because; I was supposed to do my IGCSE exam this year, but because I can’t write we have to look for another alternative.

At first, we had two alternatives; the first one was I go in exam room with my aid. This was not possible because the aid might write the wrong thing from what I am telling him/her. On the other hand, he/she can show me the answers.  

The other one was I use a laptop; this is very efficient way for me. Unfortunately, I type at a slower pace. For example, the exam is strictly two hours, and I can type three paragraphs for forty-five minutes. That is one section out of the six sections.

For now, we are looking for an alternative, which I can be able to do my O-level exam in order to go to the university. My dream university is the Cambridge university in the
United Kingdom.  

The Bible says, “Where there is no vision, that place will collapse”. Because I do not want to collapse, I have a vision. My vision is divided into small goals, to be able to achieve one at a time.

My big vision is to have a multinational business in the Real Estate sector in all of Africa. This has been my passion since I was a kid. Secondly, I wish to make awareness of Cerebral Palsy globally so that people may have a positive attitude towards Cerebral Palsy.

People must know Cerebral Palsy is not a disease, but is a condition that emerges before, during or after birth. This does not make a person inferior or unable to do anything. People with CP can do many things if only the society could allow them to do them slightly differently.  E.g., I am a motivational speaker, I motivate people through social media.

In the past, people with special needs have been taken as substandard people in the society. For example; when they want something, they are not taken seriously as other people in the society.

Many buildings in Kenya do not have an escalator; that makes it intricate for people with special needs transiting from one place to another. Governments should ensure all places are passable to people with special needs, thus making them mainstreamed.

I want to remove the stigma that people are having towards people with special needs. Today you may find some companies not employing these people because of the negative mindset they are having.

I would also want to empower these people so they don’t take themselves as inferior people in the society. Because if they do not give themselves dignity, no one will.  They must show that they are able to do something unique.

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