Tuesday, 31 May 2016


As humans we go through various seasons in life. Some peaceful, some with drama, some very exciting, some challenging. I don't know whether this ideology happens to everyone or just some, "painful moments last longer than happy ones".

Happy moments make us to be more confident, because everything in our lives is going well.

Tough moments really drain us to a point we regret why we were born. These are the times where we feel no one understands what we are going through, keep your eyes on your smart phone and your fingers scrolling it as I tell you what to do during such moments.

I know there comes a time when we feel enough is enough , we can't take it anymore. This moments seem to be then will never end but that's not true, it's just that we don't have the patience to go through that difficult time. Some opt to commit suicide which is not a good idea.

Well, we all go through challenging times but the relief is that we don't stay in it, we go through it. Remember when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. So endure it knowing some day you will smile and say that moment taught me a lesson.

Saturday, 16 April 2016


Everyone wants to be great in one way or another. Greatness is one place of pleasure and enjoyment. Even the politicians want greatness that's why there are elections in most of the countries in the world.

But what are these traits that make people great? Is greatness inborn or meant for certain people or? Now sit back, concentrate on your smart phone as I dig deeper on this topic. The following are 5 traits that lead to greatness.


Every great person is determined to achieve his or her goals. This is the most important key of success. Not everyone can endure the pain of being disappointment. One must be able to wake up, shake the dust and try again. You can't be put down by one moment of failure, you must try again.


Most people who are great have taken risks at one point or the other in their lives. Risk is referred to a situation where exposure to danger is evident. One cannot be great if he or she doesn't want to get out of their comfort zone. One will have to be exposed to a certain degree of danger. The intriguing part about risks is that when you succeed, the impact is so immense. The same way when it comes to failure, one can fail beyond recovery. It's better to risk than to let things remain the way they are.


Even if these people take risks, their confidence is so high that you can't convince them otherwise. They know they will succeed no matter what. They know even if they don't succeed, that's not the end of the road. This shows that making it in life is mandatory to them.


Resilience is the ability of the mind to recover from a misfortune. Not everyone has a gift of being resilient within a short span of time. Some may take years to recover, while others may take a few days or weeks. Great people take a short time to recover and realise life must move on.


Networking is one of the vital things in the nature of humanity. People must connect with other people to share ideas. But remember not everyone you should trust, because not everyone you interact with is for you.

Greatness is not for a certain segregated group of people provided they are able to take the sacrifice.

Monday, 4 April 2016


George Wachiuri is one person I look up to in my journey of becoming an entrepreneur and a Realtor. He truly is an inspiration to many because of his determination and resilience. He is the founder and CEO of Optiven group which consists of a real estate and insurance company, and a foundation.

Mr. Wachiuri came from a humble background having been raised with a single mother following the demise of the dad at a young age. But that did not deter him from accomplishing his dream of becoming an entrepreneur. He worked hard in school to obtain good grades and never gave up on his goals.

When he was starting Optiven limited, unfortunately he was conned 5 million by another real estate agent. That incident left him with absolutely nothing, his savings were blown away by the wind just like that. What really intrigues me about Wachiuri is his resilience. He never gave up and started saving again to found Optiven Limited.

Optiven Limited is now worth KSH 1.2 billion which is an estimated figure. In 2014/15 it was ranked among top 100 mid-sized companies in Kenya. Last year it won the best company in customer orientation and marketing  in the COYA awards which was held in the United States of America.

Optiven Foundation is another subsidiary of the Optiven group. It was launched in 2014 with the aim of transforming the society. Early this year, it launched Soaring Eagles Scholarship program. The main agenda is to sponsor needy children access secondary education. Besides sponsoring children, the foundation also does many other charitable things like visiting Children Home, planting trees etc.

George Wachiuri is passionate about the youth and he intends to empower them. He started Good to Great talks where he mentors young people. The first one was in 3rd of March and people turned out in large numbers. Indeed he is an inspiration .

Monday, 21 March 2016


Technology is one of the major inventions human beings have ever done.  I don't know how we would live without it. According to Oxford Dictionary the term "technology" means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

Technology has countless benefits that we enjoy on daily life basis. One of them being able to connect with anyone from anywhere in this planet. Provided you have a smart phone, you can learn, do your job, or even do business in the comfort of your house. Another advantage of technology is that one can be able to travel to each and every place in the world within the shortest time possible. And the list is endless!

My main focus today will be 'why technology?'. Why do we need this thing called technology? It offers us simple ways of doing things more effective and faster. Just imagine if we didn't have social media, or let's just say media in general? Life would be difficult because most of us would living in darkness since no one would have an idea what is going on around the world.

The second question is that which device can do the task 
effectively? Before you buy a new device, you have to know the area it will be performing, for example you can opt to buy a Modem or a Wi-Fi router. They all perform the same task but they have their own prons and cons. Let's say if you buy a modem? It can be convenient for people who don't use internet mostly. One can even go with it anywhere. On the other hand, a Wi-Fi router can be beneficial if you need faster internet speed.

Third question to ask yourself is how much will it cost you? You certainly need a device that can last longer at an affordable price. There is no essence of buying an expensive gadget yet it can't last. And vice versa.
Typically, new technology means employee training. Can someone on staff lead this process or will you need to budget for an outside consultant?

 What must the solution do for us? Once you have a general idea of your needs, get specific. List the “must-have” features of a necessary upgrade.

Ultimately, weigh the technology's total costs against the potential savings or new revenues it could generate. Don't forget to look into tax incentives for technology investments.
There's nothing worse than buying a product that doesn't solve anything. Let us help you assess your technology need
technology means employee training.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

How to run a social media campaign effectively

Do you use social media campaigns to engage with your customers?

Whether you want to build better campaigns or are ready to try your first one, there are certain pitfalls you should avoid.

In this article I'll share five tips for building and running successful social media campaigns.

#1: Choose and Build the Right Campaign

Social media campaigns offer a wide array of options, from voting contests to newsletter signups to interactive quizzes—and everything in between.

Different campaigns deliver different results, so before you begin, have a clear idea of what you hope to accomplish. With your goals in mind, research and choose the type of campaign that works for you, and then decide how you're going to build it.

Find tips for running a successful social media campaign.

Dozens of companies offer campaign-building software. As you look around, you'll find some that are free and others that cost thousands of dollars a month. Obviously, using a platform that's low-cost or free reduces your risk if your campaign doesn't deliver the results you're after.

Campaigns that look great on mobile aren't a luxury anymore—they're a requirement. Increasing numbers of people are accessing the Internet exclusively (or nearly so) from mobile devices, so look for a service that builds campaigns that are responsive, look good and function smoothly on smartphones and tablets (in addition to looking good on desktops, of course).

Look for a service that allows you to install campaigns anywhere. Many third-party campaign builders only work on Facebook. If you want to host on a platform other than (or in addition to) Facebook, do your homework.

#2: Try Action-Gating

Facebook is one of the most popular places to run campaigns. On August 7, 2014, Facebook announced that it no longer allows like-gating. This change upset a lot of marketers because like-gating has been a common practice for several years and it's helped a lot of businesses grow their fan count quickly and consistently.

You have another option, though: action-gatingAction-gating is when you ask users to do something (e.g., vote or share their email address) to get something from your brand (e.g., an extra entry into a giveaway or access to a promotion).

An example of action-gating that asks entrants to provide their email address and answer a question.

Whether you're hosting a promotion, giveaway or event, action-gating allows you to gather and track the precise return on your brand's efforts. It also makes promotions and offers available to everyone.

It's an attractive alternative to like-gating and provides quite a bit of value, and it works anywhere you'd like to run a campaign.

#3: Get the Word Out

Seventy-five percent of campaign success is due to promotion. And there are lots of ways to promote a campaign—most of which don't cost much because they're existing resources like your website or social profiles.

Promote your campaign on other existing resources to ensure you're reaching your audience everywhere.

Design your campaign with sharing features built in and incentivize people to share by rewarding them with extra chances to win. Just because you're running a campaign primarily from Facebook, for example, doesn't mean you don't want people on Google+ or Twitter to know about it. Make it easy for people to tell their friends!

Broaden your reach by telling your website audience about the campaign (in case they didn't happen to see it on Facebook). And use a tool like Hello Barthat helps you easily create and install header notifications.

#4: Offer the Right Prize

One of the mistakes lots of companies made in the early days of social media campaigns was giving away expensive prizes (like iPads) that weren't necessarily aligned with their brand. While an iPad or other valuable prize is sure to catch people's attention, the majority of those people are probably not your targeted customers or leads.

You'll have better luck if you offer a prize that showcases your own products, services or expertise. For example, if you work in the travel or hospitality industries, give away stays in one of your hotels or a gift card to your restaurant.

Offer your own service or product—or something closely related—as the grand prize.

The prize you offer doesn't need to break the bank, but its value should match the level of effort it takes to enter. If you're offering a 25% off coupon, ask participants to fill out a form. If you're giving away an international vacation, you can make entry a little tougher by requiring people to submit photos and videos for a voting contest.

#5: Curb Required Form Fields

Basic forms are the go-to entry method for many campaigns because they're a fairly low barrier to entry. Most people are willing to share a little information to gain access to something (giveaway entry, coupon, etc.).

When you create an entry form, you can ask for just about anything: email address, mailing address, telephone number, birthday, gender, marital status, etc. You may be tempted to go for as much information as you can get, but hold back.

Use a short form and require limited information to get more participation.

The more you ask for, the less people want to give. With each form field you require, the opt-in rate drops by about 10%.

Instead of making every form field a requirement, only require the information that is most valuable to future marketing efforts. You can make the other fields optional—people may go ahead and fill them in anyway.

Wrapping Up

Social media campaigns are fun, easy ways to gather demographic information and feedback from your audiencebuild email listsenlist user-generated content, promote a specific product or service and more. Whatever your goal is, you can build a campaign to match it.

For best results, promote the campaign across your existing sites and profiles (and invite entrants to do the same), and be sure people can access the campaign via mobile.

By Jim Belosic.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


Optiven Limited brings you another amazing project dubbed 'Faith Gardens'. The property is strategically located in Nyeri county, 3.9 KM off the tarmac. It is ideal for farming and residential purposes.

You can buy 1/4 of an acre for only KSH 395,000 or decide to pay monthly installments of KSH 15,000 for 38 months.

For more info;
Call: 0702831083
Email: info@optiven.co.ke


Thursday, 25 February 2016


Socializing is one of the most important things for every animal. One
wise man said "no one is an island", indeed we all need
interdependence from one another. To me, acquaintances are the "second

There are many ways to connect with people, one can meet at school,
work or even social media. Today I will be discussing some of the ways
you can connect with people easily.

First, you have to be genuine! What do you really want from this
person? Is it a short or a long term need? This are the kind of
questions you have to ask yourself before getting acquainted with this
person. If your reasons are not genuine enough, don't bother
approaching him/her.

Secondly, you need to connect with people associated to him or her.
Remember your network is your networth! Try to make friendships with
that person's friends, colleagues, family members etc. This is the
secret, the more mutual friends you have with this person, the more
likely you can be friends with him or her!

Thirdly, offer help this person. You may be wondering 'how do I offer
help to a more rich, intelligent, beautiful, or even older person than
I am'? Trust me they need your help! Start by liking or sharing their
stuff on social media, helping them do their assignments, carrying
their hand bag or inviting them for coffee. You will be surprised by
their reactions.

We need people in our lives, to help and to be helped by. So let's be
flexible to make new friends!

Monday, 22 February 2016

10 mistakes people do on social media

Social media has become a part of the daily life activities. Almost
80% of the world population are using it, from the youth, the old,
businesses, governments and the list is endless all in the name of
passing information.

There are many platforms of social media like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, YouTube etc. But if one can't them properly, he/she might
not gain the benefits that they offer. Today I will be tackling ten
mistakes that people do on Social Media.


Many people don't complete their profiles on Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram simply because they are afraid of giving so much information
about themselves which I tend to think they aren't confident.
Completing profile information makes someone to be respected.


Many people aren't using uniform handles on various site. You may find
someone by the name XYZ, using XYZ on Facebook, @yxz on Twitter and
@zyx on Instagram. This is not cool at all because people may find it
difficult to reach you. If your name is XYZ, use it as it is across
all the sites.

Even the profile picture, let it be uniform everywhere.


If you are a business or an organization don't use one social network,
consider exploiting others in order to increase your market share.
Remember the more you engage each network, the more you grow your


Hashtags are very essential when it comes to advertising your brand.
Especially on twitter, the more people use your hashtag to tweet, the
more trending it will be. If you have a brand to promote, make use of
the hashtags.


Putting the "Share Button" enables people to share your posts on their
social network automatically without having to copy-paste the URL.


Always appreciate people who like or comment your posts so that you
can encourage them to read your posts more.

Many people these days always use short forms to express themselves which is not good when it comes to official issues. You may find a person writing on his or her timeline " xory i loxt ma fon" instead of "sorry I lost my phone". This is shows lack of seriousness which may lead to loss of respect among your peers. Always use the acceptable English.


This is another problem that many people have when using social network. They aren't consistent with their posts; an individual may post updates after every two weeks. The consequence of being inconsistent is that people might lose interest in you.


Social media are platforms where we share information and not to cause hatred among some communities.


There are some people who say 'if you don't share this post something bad may happen to you'. This is absolute nonsense because your future don't depend on that post.

If we use social media well, it can be beneficial but if we misuse it, they are consequences.

Monday, 25 January 2016


One of my best motivational speakers Eric Thomas, once said "strive to
be successful as bad as you strive to breath"! Imagine you are near a
swimming pool, someone comes, puts your head into the pool and forces
it to stay there for ten minutes. Your number one priority will be how
to breath and you will do your best to get that oxygen no matter how
hard it will be.

The same criteria apply when it comes to success! We have to struggle
to our level best to be successful no matter the obstacles we may face
ahead. If your dream is to lose weight, go to that gym as if there is
no tomorrow! If your dream is to have a multi billion company, train
yourself to be disciplined when it comes to your finances! If you have
a crush on someone, do your best to impress him or her. Life is all
about giving all your level best!

Being successful is not an easy task. If it was, everybody will be
successful! It takes years of sweat, hard work, self denial,
discipline and perseverance.

If you want to achieve those dreams badly enough, then "giving up"
phrase shouldn't be in your vocabulary! You can't afford to lose focus
on your goals. I know sometimes the road may get bumpy and rough, but
does it mean that is the end of the road? NO! It simply tells you to
slow down, it's a little bit bumpy here but a few metres away, there
is a 'tarmac road'!

Self discipline is another key to success! You can't tell me you want
to build a multi billion business empire yet you spend more than you
save. No, that's not logic my friend. You must reduce that urge of
having fun! Be loyal at what you do, keep the persistence and
eventually you will achieve what you want!

Monday, 4 January 2016


Many of us have resolutions that we aim to achieve before the end of
the year! They may vary from individual to individual. Some may want
to own a car, start a business, finding employment, owning a piece of
land etcetra.

Today my main focus will be about keeping track of our cash flows.
Financial issues are very sensitive and need to be handled with care.
You may find some people spending all their earnings without even
saving a single cent. While others punishing themselves by saving very
big percentage of their earnings and spending very little.

We must find a balance when dealing with our finances, we should save
while we enjoy ourselves on the other hand. There is no point of
spending all your salary and later start borrowing to meet your daily
needs! I'm not saying that borrowing is bad, all am saying is that borrowing for consumption of is poisonous! Know what goal you are saving for, do you want it badly enough  you can sacrifice for? Determine the timeline you want to achieve that goal. Do your math and know what percentage you should save towards it. Before you start spending your salary, you must save first.

On the other hand, one needs also to enjoy himself/herself. There is no point of working very hard yet you don't appreciate your body! One must enjoy the fruits of his or her labour.

I pray that in 2016 we know how to deal with our finances. We should invest as we enjoy ourselves!