Wednesday, 29 October 2014


All of us desire to live a good life; we want to enjoy it to the fullest before we die. There is no one who wants to live miserably; even the laziest of people want to be rich. That’s why every weekday we go to school/work so that in the future we maybe stable financially.

Riches and poverty are all within everyone’s capability, it all depends with one’s mindset. If one can decide to be wealthy and work tirelessly towards that, he or she will become wealthy. But if the person has no vision and he/she is lazy, becoming wealthy will be a dream that was dreamt two century ago!

Sometimes we often have different goals that we intend to achieve within a specific span of time. But we often think we don’t have that capability to accomplish that dream. That’s a lie; because everything we need to achieve something is within our reach.

Thinking positively is not just enough; also one has to make a number of risks. A risk is an exposure to the    chance of injury or loss. This means there is a possibility of something bad happening, it doesn’t imply that bad thing must occur.

Many of us don’t want to risk because we fear to fail; that’s not true because not every time you risk you will fail. You can risk and be successful. Furthermore, if  all risks would always bring negative outcomes, people wouldn’t be risking.

This reminds me of Abram; God had told him to leave his family in Ur and go to the land of Canaan where no one knew him at all! Lets be frank here; if it were you, would you go? I guess very few people would accept to go.

That was a worthy risk because God blessed him in that place and gave him a son. I highly suspect if Abraham had refused, he wouldn’t be referred  as the father of faith.

There are certain things that we hold on to and they will deny us our blessings. We often think if we let go of
this particular thing,we wont survive. That is the spirit of fear that the enemy is trying
to put in us so that we stick to one place for a long time.

There things in our lives that wont change until we take up some risks! Let me ask you, when you go to
sleep, how sure are you that you will wake up the next day? That is a risk that we take every
night without knowing.

Now we cant say that we will not sleep because we are not sure if will wake up the next day. That is
absolutely nonsense!Because we need to sleep so that our mind may have enough rest
and be fresh the next day.

This reminds me the story of David and Goliath; Goliath was a very big giant and he came to challenge the
nation of Israel! Saul and his army were wondering whom do they send to go to brawl
with this big monster.

They had stayed there forty days and forty nights, but there was a small boy from the family of Jesse who
had came to bring food to his brothers. This boy heard that there was a giant who had been
challenging them.

David told the king he was ready to face the challenge; his eldest brother Eliab tried to discourage him but he
refused to listen to the negative words and went ahead and killed Goliath.

Sometimes we often want God to bless us and yet we still hold on to some mischievous behaviours. Never 
expect to be wealthy and yet you always spend money on prostitutes! Why don’t you use
that money to start a business?

There are many people who are struggling financially, not because they are poor, these people even have
assets which are worth millions of money which they do not help them. These people fear
selling the assets hence they say “businesses are too risky these days”.

Now I wonder if a person doesn’t eat because he/she insinuate that every food is poisonous, how does
he/she expect to grow? Life is all about risks, if people don’t want risk then they should
stop admiring a wealthy life!

Friday, 24 October 2014


“Show me your friends and I will tell you the kind of person you are” is a saying that has been there since the early age. It means that your friends can greatly influence your character, good morals, thoughts, or even your financial status.

If most of your friends do drink, the chances of you starting to drink are very high no matter how saved you are! Because at first instances you will definitely refuse, but as time passes by you will see drinking as a normal thing.

I know we all need friends, but we also need to develop some strict standards for them. Not everyone who comes into your life can help you reach your destiny! Some people are just there to waste your time and act as a tool of destruction.

There is something called “friend0s categories” that can help you determine who is adding value to you or not. There are four categories to it namely; family, best friend, friends and other people. Now lets analyse each category and the people who should be there.

Family members are the most precious gift that God gave to us. They range from; mum, dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, aunties and uncles. This category is closed; this means the people who are in this group are related to you by blood and genes.

Not everyone in your family can be your friend, what does this mean? It means that inside the family there are also “friends categories”, from the best relative to the other relatives.

The reason why I say not everyone in your family can be your friend is that some family members can be poisonous. Surprisingly, your own brother may turn against you and decide to kill you.

The second category is your best friend; this type of a person who accepts you the way you are without any conditionality. He/she always gives you morale when you feel discouraged. I can say this person is like your destiny helper.

I don’t deny the fact that some of us maybe having more than one best friend, but there is that one person who you can run to anytime you need him or her. Its very rare for this person to disappoint you at any instance.
Everyone in this world has this kind of a friend, and it’s hardly to find best friends not communicating for more than four days. So it’s our responsibility to pray for them and do anything possible within our ability to keep these people because when one loses this kind of a friend, it will be next to impossible to find another one.

The third category is open in such a way anybody can come in go out but with conditions. These are friends who believe in you and rectify you when you go wrong, a good friend  MUST rebuke you when he/she thinks that you are doing something that is unacceptable in the society.

Now its upon you to discern and decide which friends you should give a vacuum of tolerance. Because there are people who don’t deserve your company at all! Even Jesus had to choose twelve people to help him with his ministry.

You cant expect to be wealthy, and yet most of your friends are poor. They wise say “if you walk with nine poor men, be careful you don’t be the tenth one”. This is nothing than the whole truth because there is influence in friends.

The last category is the category of other people; in this group people can come in and out but no conditions are taken to considerations. These are people who don’t add any value in your life, they are just there to distract you from reaching your destiny.

We need to know who should be in which group; because people have different character and that is who they are.

Thursday, 23 October 2014


All of us have that one special thing that we treasure in our lives, we love that thing to much to a point we think we cant live without it. Maybe it’s a family member, money, a car or even your closest friend ever popularly known as best friend.

One might say “I can’t live without this thing”, that is a total lie because the only three things an individual cant live without is God, food and oxygen. All others are just supplements to enable us to live a better life.

We have all agreed that we all have that very special thing we treasure, we have also agreed that the only three  things we cant live without is God, food and oxygen. Now do you agree that you can live without that special thing you treasure?

Your car can get accident anytime anywhere and be crashed completely! One of your family members might get sick and suddenly die! Your best friend might decide one day to leave you after many years of building on your friendship together! Unexpected might happen anytime anywhere. I know you are wondering “did Brian come to prophesy bad things or what?” No! It is just the way life is.

I know it’s painful when you lose something valuable, but lets talk the bitter truth, you have or you will lose it at some point in your life! Maybe it will go for a season or even forever, but we shouldn’t be negative mentality because everything work for good to those who love the LORD.

Now let’s look at those things which leave our lives for just a season. This things are kind of stuff that I can say that they are very vital in our lives. They go so that we might learn from our mistakes so next time we might know how to handle them.

These things always leave us when we need them most; perhaps you wanted to tell your loved one something special the next day. Unfortunately, something just happens all of a sudden and causes both of you to disagree that night. (That’s why I always tell people there is no perfect time to say something, when you have the opportunity just tell them because you don’t know what may transpire the next minute.).

This reminds me about the story of Joseph, he had dreamt his brothers together with his parents will one day bow before him. When his brothers heard about the dream, they got envious and decided to sell him to the Egyptians.

After a while, Pharaoh’s wife falsely accused him and he was taken to jail. Joseph lost his loved ones and his freedom without any substantial reason, in fact in the Bible we don’t see any record of wrong deed associated with him

What encourages me is that the story didn’t end there; Joseph came out and not only did he regain his freedom, he was also made the Prime Minister of Egypt. Years later, his family came to Egypt and they lived happily there after.

God cannot take away something you treasure if he don’t have a better plan, NEVER! Job lost his family and wealth, but in the end God gave him back what he had lost in double measures both in quantity and in quality.

Now lets go to those things that leave our lives for good, these are the type of things don’t matter in our lives! It is extremely painful to lose them but in the end you will realize it opened the door to your destiny.

They leave us to pave way for a much better thing, in fact your destiny is too great to entertain such a small things. There is no way an electrician might remove a motherboard from a laptop, if he/she has no a better motherboard to fix it.

This tickles my mind to remember the story of David; he committed adultery with Bathsheba and she bore him a son. God was so angry with him and caused the child to be sick. When David saw the child had gotten ill, he prayed, fasted, cried to God to heal the child. A week later, he lost his son. This teaches us no matter how we pray God to save something, if it is no his will, definitely we will have to lose it!

The Bible continues to say David later slept with his wife Bathsheba and they had another son called Solomon. Remember it is through that lineage that Jesus came from.

So what are you holding so tightly, let it go and let God have his way. Yes I know it is painful, but what if it wasn’t meant to be, will you mourn the rest of your precious life? No! So now get up, wipe those tears, and say “if God doesn’t bring back what I lost, certainly he will give me a better thing!”